Reduce costs.

Improve your bottom line by identifying unnecessary costs andoptimizing the contribution margin of each and every order.

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Adobe Commerce

Improve your gross margins.

  • Determine which products and customer segments are responsible for high product return rates
  • Identify products without sufficient contribution margin that cannot be marketed profitably
  • Find out how much profit you are giving away on average through discounts and how many of your customers are unprofitable

Set the right incentives.

  • Segment overdue customers and don't waste incentives on those who would buy anyway
  • Eliminate overused discounts that don't lead to sustainable customer loyalty
  • Set the right free shipping threshold to cover operational costs of small orders and use the threshold as a real incentive for larger shopping carts

Stop wasting marketing budget.

  • Suppress existing customers and bargain hunters in expensive acquisition channels
  • Stop campaigns and channels that have a poor LTV:CAC ratio
  • Remove inactive and lost customers from your marketing tools to save marketing and software costs

Proven by success.

Gross Margin Increase
Net Revenue Increase
Less Returns
We analyzed how customers performed before and after using RetentionX for 12 months. Past performance doesn’t guarantee future results.

See RetentionX in action.

RetentoinX Tour Video
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